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Blue tortillas are made with a variety of Mexican corn that is popularly known as están hechas con una variedad de maíz mexicano que es conocido popularmente como blue corn (Sea mays L). It is a food rich in antioxidants,its color comes from anthocyanins that are also present in fruits such as blueberries, grapes, plums.

In addition to antioxidants, they contain calcium, potassium, folic acid and fiber. Studies suggest that the consumption of blue tortillas is beneficial for health, since it is a potential source of nutraceuticals with anticancer activity. Blue corn is not as abundant in the market as white or yellow corn and unfortunately not all tortillas that are sold as being made from blue corn are actually that. There are places where they paint the dough with dyes

How to Identify False Blue Corn Torillas?

The tortillas Blue corn does not have a homogeneous color,they are opaque and have a grayish green tone.

The tortillas pigmented have a brighter blue or purple color

Blue corn tortillas are made from nixtamalized dough,while dyed ones generally use corn flour. Therefore, it is important that before purchasing you ask the establishment if they make tortillas with dough or flour.

The tortillas blue corn has a slow color change when it comes into contact with the acid in lemon juice.A video from the Ichuskuta artisanal tortilla factory shows it.

The blue dough is also used to make snacks such as tlacoyos, guaraches or gorditas.

Don't miss the opportunity to use blue corn for healthy snacks due to its color and high content of phenolics, anthocyanins and fiber.

News Reference: El Diario

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